
Showing posts from July, 2021

Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-4)

  Hello there! I am back with new blog Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-4). This is also in sitting posture. So roll out your met and let’s start.   1.      VASISTHASANA (SIDE PLANK POSE) :     * Sit down on your met.  * Lie down on your flexed elbows and face towards floor.  * Keep your legs straight.  * Now, take your right elbow off the floor gradually and the body should be in the plank pose.  * The left hand should be on the floor.  * Keep your body weight on your both legs and one elbow.  * Hold as per your tolerance.  * Repeat this on the other side.   2.      CHATUS PADA PITHAM ( FOUR FOOTED TABLETOP POSE) : * Sit on your met. * Keep your legs straight and hands in the line of shoulder just behind your hips. * Gradually keep your knees bend and lift up your body with the help of your knees, hands and soles. * Make a pose like table where your head and trunk part will become the top and all four limbs will become stands of the table. * Hold as per y