Sun Salutation

Hello Friends !!

I am back after a break with a new blog on Sun salutation !!

Take out your met and be prepared with your Lime juice !!

As you all are knowing  Sun Salutation is one of the part of Yoga and workout plan.

It can be done as a main workout plan, warm up or in a cool down session.

Sun Salutation is having importance in Modern culture as well as spiritual world.

By performing Sun Salutation, we are offering our regards and pray to The Sun.

It can be performed with or without Mantras.

Sun Salutation is having 12 steps and should be performed step by step.


In this Blog, I will teach you the steps and some benefits of it.

If you learn this sequence, it will really help you during this busy lifestyle to practice at your place, since one of the biggest obstacles to doing Yoga on your own is figuring out what to do when you first get on your Yoga met. Sun salutation is the best choice for the same. You can perform it in various speeds too.


Take a look on steps :-


Step 1 :- (Namaskar Mudra)

Stand on your Yoga met’s front end.

Keep your toes together and body straight.

Rotate your shoulders and make a Namaskar Pose.


Breath - NORMAL


Step 2 :- (Hasta Utthanasana)

After the Namaskar mudra stretch your upper body backward side.

Expand your chest.

Keep your hands in either namaskar mudra or open but on upward side.


Breath – IN


Step 3 :- (Pada Hastanasana)

Immediate after the 2nd step bring back your hands and upper body to the downward side.

Try to touch your toes.

Try to touch your nose to your knees.

Do NOT fold your knees.


Breath – OUT (FULLY OUT)


Step 4 :- (Ashwa sanchalanasana)

After the 3rd step, stretch out your left leg and fold your right knee.

Keep your right foot sole between your both palms.

Look up and stretch your neck region.


Breath – IN


Step 5 :- (Parvattasana)

After the 4th step, stretch your right leg and keep besides left leg.

Your palms should be rested on your met holding your body weight.

Your Hips should be lifted up.

Your foot soles should be glued on the floor.

Your body’s view will come like a Mountain.

Try to keep your head inside.


Breath – OUT


Step 6 :- (Ashtang Namaskar)

After the 5th step, rest your body downside but NOT on the floor/met.

Hold your body on your resting palms.

Keep the gentle touch of some of the body parts on the floor/met. Like, Chin, Chest, Knee. Hips should be lifted up.


Breath – IN/NORMAL


Step 7 :- (Bhujangasana)

After the 6th step, rest your body on the floor/met.

Hands near to your chest.

Upper body lifted up till the navel region.

Rest of the body should be rested on the floor.

Neck and chest region should be stretched upward side.


Breath – IN


Step 8 :- (Parvattasana)

Now, the reverse cycle is started.

Try to lift up your body on your hands and foot soles.

Make a pose like Mountain.


Breath - OUT


Step 9 :- (Ashwa sanchalanasana)

Now, fold your left knee and keep your right leg stretched.

Your neck and chest region should be stretched.

Both palms and left foot sole should be placed in one line.


Breath – IN


Step 10 :- (Pada Hastanasana)

In this step, bring your right foot back to your left foot.

Stand with toes together.

Try to touch your toes.

Try to touch your nose to your knees without folding your knees.

Make a pose like Step 3.


Breath – OUT


Step 11 :- (Hasta Utthanasana)

This step is similar with 2nd step of sun Salutation

Lift up your upper body.

Move your upper body backward side.

Stretch your upper torso.


Breath – IN


Step 12 :- (Namaskar Mudra)

As your upper torso is stretched.

Slowly bring it in normal position along with shoulder rotation.

Place your palms in Namaskar mudra just as Step no. 1.

Breath – NORMAL



If you are facing any of the listed problem/s or situation, do NOT perform Sun salutation without consulting Doctor/Concerned specialist.

Bodily Weakness

High/Low Blood Pressure

Any Muscle Injury

Bone Injury

Spinal Injury

Cardiac Disease

Pregnant Woman  


·       *  Kindly consult and do these Aasanas under/with guidance of expert as the Aasanas or its modifications may vary from case to case basis.

 Here, I have explained the 12 steps of Sun salutation. If you find any query, feel free to contact me.

Stay tuned for the 12 Mantras and its importance with Sun salutation.


  1. Ha.."since long na starting sathe" thing missing.yaad kari ne kejo


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