Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-3 )

 Hey, I am back with Weight loss (Part-3)…

Here I am going to explain some Sitting pose.

So, Let’s fix your previous shape back !!


1.   1.  Pashchimottanasana (West stretching) :

Sit down on your met with extended legs.

Keep your upper body straight.

Stretch your hands upside while inhaling.

Gradually bend your upper body towards your extended legs while exhaling.

Try to touch your toes or sole with your palms.

Try to touch and stuck your nose to your knees.

Try to keep your knees straight.

Hold as per your tolerance.



2.     2. Vakrasana (Twisted pose) :

Sit on your met with your extended legs.

Bend your left knee and place over your right knee.

Place your left palm on your left foot sole.

Place your right palm near your right hip.

Keep your head and face straight.

Repeat the same on opposite side (Right).



3.     3. Supt Padmasana (Sleeping lotus pose) :

Sit down on your met with extended legs.

Place your left foot on your right thigh.

Place your right foot on your left thigh.

Hold your both index toes.

Gradually lie down on your back.

Stay in this position as you can.



4.     4. Gupt Padmasana (Closed lotus pose) :

Sit down on your met with extended legs.

Place your left foot on your right thigh.

Place your right foot on your left thigh.

Gradually lie down on your face.

Keep your both palms in Namaskar mudra at your lumber place.

Stay in this position as you can.



5.     5. Supt Vajrasana (Sleeping diamond pose) :

Sit down on your met.

Keep your legs under your hips.

Use your legs as your cushion.

Place your both hands on your thighs.

Gradually lie down on your back.

Keep this pose as per your tolerance.



6.     6. Balasana (Child pose) :

Sit down on your met.

Keep your legs under your hips.

Use your legs as cushion.

Keep your both hands straight.

Slowly go downward side until your nose/forehead touches to the floor.

Stay in this posture as you can.




7.     7. Purvottanasana (Upwards plank pose) :

Sit on your met with extended knees and hips.

Place your hands besides your hips.

Stick your heels to the floor.

Try to hang on your both palms and heels.

Hold this posture as you can.


You can check out previous two blogs about Weight loss, too. Weight loss (Part-1) Weight loss (Part-2)

Start your weight loss session and Merry Christmas!!


* Kindly consult and do these Aasanas under/with guidance of expert as the Aasanas or its modifications may vary from case to case basis.


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