Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-2)


I am back with some other Yoga poses as a diwali gift for you. (You can see the Part 1 here)

I am going to explain some Yoga poses in Supine (Lie down on your spine) and in Prone (Lie down on your chest).


1.     Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) :

Lie down on your back (spine) with straight legs.

Keep your hands near to your hips.

Lift your legs upwards from hips – lumber – thoracic, respectively.

Give support with your hands to your legs if needed.

Try to maintain as you can.


2.     Halasana (Plug plow) :

Be in the position of Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) :

Try to touch your toes to the floor over your head.

Keep your hands on the floor in the line of your hips or give support if needed.

Stay in the position as per your tolerance.

Slowly, release this posture.

Relax your toes from the floor, straight your legs upward side, gradually downward your legs, respectively.

Take a deep breath and relax.



3.     Tiryak bhujangasana (Twisted cobra pose) :

Lie down on your chest.

Keep your hands near to your chest with flexed elbows.

Simply lift up your upper body.

Keep your navel and below navel region stick to the floor/surface.

Twist any side from the lumber.

See your opposite sided leg heel.

Hold as you can.

Release this pose gradually.

Repeat the same on other side.




4.     Kumbhakasana (Plank pose) :

Lie down your chest.

Rest your elbows, forearms on the floor/surface.

Rest your toes on the floor/surface.

Uplift your body like a table position.

Keep your knees straight.

Make 90 degree angle with your shoulders, elbows and forearms.

Hold as per your capacity.

Try to hold as much as you can. 




5.     Dhanurasana (Bow pose) :

Lie down on your chest.

Keep your hands straight and near to your body.

Uplift your knees and try to grip your ankles with your hands.

Gradually uplift your thighs and head.

Keep your hands straight from shoulders and elbows.

You will feel stretch in your belly area, thighs (quadriceps), arms.

Hold as per your capacity.

Gradually release the posture.


Enjoy the feast with fitness.

Enjoy your workout and stay tuned for other parts.

* Kindly consult and do these Aasanas under/with guidance of expert as the Aasanas or its modifications may vary from case to case basis.


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