Yoga Poses for Weight Loss (Part-1)

 Obesity is one of the biggest problems now a days. It comes with sedentary lifestyle, junk food, improper lifestyle and many more. This is the root cause of many diseases.

Weight loss is not only done in the gym with dumbells, it starts in your head with the decision.

Here, I am going to write down different Yoga poses (in standing) to fight with this Problem.


Every time do start every session with simple stretching or warm up.

1. Pashchimottanasana (Forward bending) : 

Stand erected with both legs together and straight knees.

Take a deep breath and stretch your hands and upper body upward.

Bend from your lumber with exhalation.

Try to touch your toes or floor with your both palms.

Try to set your nose or face to your knees.

Keep your both knees straight.

Hold it as per your tolerance.

While performing this you will find stretching in your back, hamstrings, calves.


(A)           Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide stance forward band) :


Stand erected with both legs in wide angle and straight knees.

Take a deep breath and stretch your hands and upper body upward.

Bend from your lumbar with exhalation.

Try to touch floor with your both palms.

Keep your both knees straight.

Hold as  per your tolerance.


*This is a variation of Pashchimottanasan (Forward banding).


While performing this you will find stretching in your back, hamstrings, calves, gluts as well as inner thighs.

2. Tiryak tadasana (Swaying palm tree pose) :

Stand straight with straight knees.

Keep shoulder level distance between your soles.

Take a deep breath and straight your hands and upper body upward.

Band any of the sides straightly.

Hold as per your tolerance.

Come in neutral pose.

Repeat the same to do on another side.


3. Adho mukh shavasana (Downward dog pose) :

Stand straight on the end of your met with wide legs.

Take deep breath and stretch your hands and upper body.

Go downwards.

Try to make maximum distance between your toes (Feet) and fingers (Palms).

Try to see your toes and stretch your neck inner side.

Keep your heels on the floor.

Hold as per your tolerance.


4.  Trikonasana  (Triangle pose)  :

Stand straight on your place with open legs.

Open and keep your hands in shoulder line.

Slowly bend on left/right side.

Try to touch your left/right palm to your left toe.

Keep your opposite hand straight; keep your fingers pointed towards sky. 

Look at your opposite hand's fingers/sky.

Keep your both knees straight.


5.     Utkrudan (Jumping/Skipping)

Keep both legs together.

Keep your thumb inside your palm and make fist.

Stretch your body little upwards.

Make a jump.

Try to touch your heels to your hips.

You can do this jumping with or without rope.


6.     Upavesasana (Squat) :

Stand straight with legs apart having minimum distance of shoulder.

Keep your both palms together in “Namaskar mudra”.

Sit on your knees.

Keep your upper body straight.

Stand up without any support.


7.     Skandasana (Side lunge) :

Make your body in the posture of Prasarita padottanasana (Wide stance forward bend – [1A])

Bend your any one knee in half squat position.

Keep your other leg straight.

Repeat the same on other side.

You can keep your palms on the floor or you can keep “Namaskar mudra” too.



Now, say bye to your extra fat and stay fit with me.

Here, I have explained some standing postures for weight loss. This one is WEIGHT LOSS- PART 1. Stay tuned for other parts.

* Kindly consult and do these Aasanas under/with guidance of expert as the Aasanas or its modifications may vary from case to case basis.


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