
Showing posts from November, 2020

Yoga pose and Pranayama for Indigestion

Hope all readers have enjoyed Diwali a lot. Had lots of food, sweets,   desserts   and many more. So, many from you would have been facing little bit digestion problem after having these kind of food. That’s why I came back with a Yoga posture and some breathing technique.   1.     Vajrasana   (Diamond pose/Adamantine pose) : Sit on your legs with folded knees. Use your legs as a cushion. Rest your hands on your knees. Keep your spine straight. Try to focus on your breath. Hold this posture for at least 10 minutes or as per your tolerance (choose anyone). Do this posture even after having meal.   2.     Sooryabhedan Pranayama (Right nostril breathing/Revitalizing breathing) : Sit in any relaxing posture like Sukhasana, Swastikasana, cross legged pose. Keep your spine straight. Keep your self as relaxed as you can. Try to focus on your breath. Place your thumb on your left nostril. Place your index and middle finger tips on the centre of your forehe

Gyan Mudra

Here, I come with a Mudra, which will be useful for different Pranayamas.   Method : Sit in any relaxing posture like Sukhasana, Swastikasana, Cross legged pose. Touch your index finger tip with your thumb tip. Keep your rest fingers straight.   Special effects : This Mudra is known for enhancement of Knowledge. It also increases concentration.   Benefits : It activates Pituitary and Endocrine glands as the tip of thumb has the centers of these glands. Increases memory power & sharpness of the gland. It prevents Insomnia. Regular practice can cure Psychological disorders.

Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-2)

  I am back with some other Yoga poses as a diwali gift for you. (You can see the Part 1 here ) I am going to explain some Yoga poses in Supine (Lie down on your spine) and in Prone (Lie down on your chest).   1.       Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) : Lie down on your back (spine) with straight legs. Keep your hands near to your hips. Lift your legs upwards from hips – lumber – thoracic, respectively. Give support with your hands to your legs if needed. Try to maintain as you can.   2.      Halasana (Plug plow) : Be in the position of Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) : Try to touch your toes to the floor over your head. Keep your hands on the floor in the line of your hips or give support if needed. Stay in the position as per your tolerance. Slowly, release this posture. Relax your toes from the floor, straight your legs upward side, gradually downward your legs, respectively. Take a deep breath and relax.     3.      Tiryak bhujangasana (Twisted co

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss (Part-1)

  Obesity is one of the biggest problems now a days. It comes with sedentary lifestyle, junk food, improper lifestyle and many more. This is the root cause of many diseases. Weight loss is not only done in the gym with dumbells, it starts in your head with the decision. Here, I am going to write down different Yoga poses (in standing) to fight with this Problem.   Every time do start every session with simple stretching or warm up. 1.  Pashchimottanasana (Forward bending) :   Stand erected with both legs together and straight knees. Take a deep breath and stretch your hands and upper body upward. Bend from your lumber with exhalation. Try to touch your toes or floor with your both palms. Try to set your nose or face to your knees. Keep your both knees straight. Hold it as per your tolerance. While performing this you will find stretching in your back, hamstrings, calves.   (A)            Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide stance forward band) :   Stand erecte

Yoga poses for Back Pain

B ack pain affects many people worldwide and it is appearing to be increasing in prevalence. It is associated not only with pain but also with increased disability, psychological symptoms and reduced quality of life (QoL). There are many treatment options for Back Pain but no single therapy stands out as being the most effective. In the past 10 years, yoga interventions have been studied as a Back Pain treatment approach.  There are some Yoga poses which can be helpful to reduce Back Pain.  01. Ushtrasana (Camel pose) 02. Shashakasana / Balasana (Child pose) 03. Pashchimottanasana (Posterior stretching pose) 04. Shalabhasana (Locust pose) 05. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) 06. Ardhchakrasana (Half wheel pose) 07. Makarasana (Crocodile pose) 08. Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose) 09. Dhanurasana (Bow pose) 10. Vakrasana (Twisted pose) 11. Trikonasana (Triangle pose) 12. Shavasana (Dead body pose) 01. Ushtrasana (Camel pose) : Sit erect with half knee band.  Slowly one by one try to touch y