Yoga poses for Back Pain

Back pain affects many people worldwide and it is appearing to be increasing in prevalence. It is associated not only with pain but also with increased disability, psychological symptoms and reduced quality of life (QoL). There are many treatment options for Back Pain but no single therapy stands out as being the most effective. In the past 10 years, yoga interventions have been studied as a Back Pain treatment approach. 

There are some Yoga poses which can be helpful to reduce Back Pain. 

01. Ushtrasana (Camel pose)

02. Shashakasana / Balasana (Child pose)

03. Pashchimottanasana (Posterior stretching pose)

04. Shalabhasana (Locust pose)

05. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

06. Ardhchakrasana (Half wheel pose)

07. Makarasana (Crocodile pose)

08. Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)

09. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

10. Vakrasana (Twisted pose)

11. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

12. Shavasana (Dead body pose)

01. Ushtrasana (Camel pose) :

Sit erect with half knee band. 

Slowly one by one try to touch your palms to your soles or ankles. 

Your back will extend and chest will enlarge.

Slowly extend your cervical.

Contraindications : 

Do not perform while suffering from High blood pressure &/or severe fatigue.

02. Shashakasana / Balasana (Child pose) :

Sit erect with banded knee (Vajrasana).

Band your trunk and head forward from the waist with strait hands.

Try to touch your palms and nose gradually.

Contraindications :

Do not perform while suffering from knee/ ankle/ hip injury.

Do not perform if you are suffering from Osteoarthritis (OA) or Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).

Prohibited for Pregnant female.

Do not perform while suffering from stomach infection.

Prohibited in severe spondylitis.

03.  Pashchimottanasana (Posterior stretching pose) :

Sit erect.

Stretch your legs in front of you, keeping them close to each other.

Band your trunk and head forward from waist without banding your knees and grasp your big toes and try to rest your forehead on your knees.

Contraindications :

Do not perform while suffering from abdominal ulcer.

Prohibited in pregnancy.

Do not perform while suffering from Asthma, Diarrhea, Severe sciatica, Slipped disk, Back injury.

04. Shalabhasana (Locust pose) :

Lie down on your chest with straight legs.

Uplift your feet from your hips.

Hold as per your capacity.

Contraindications :

Do not perform in pregnancy.

Prohibited in disc herniation, severe sciatica, asthma and high blood pressure.

 05. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) :

Lie down on your face.

Place your palms near to your chest with flexed elbows.

Slowly uplift your upper body.

Make your elbows straight and uplift your upper trunk to the navel region only.

Slowly extend your cervical region.

Contraindications :

Prohibited for pregnant female.

Do not perform while suffering from disc herniation, asthma, stomach ulcer, cervical spondylitis.

06. Ardhchakrasana (Half wheel pose) :

Stand straight with expanded legs.

Place your hands on your lumber region.

Slowly band your upper body back side.

Hold as per your capacity.

Contraindications :

Prohibited in pregnancy or perform under the observation of Yoga Trainer/Therapist.

Do not perform while suffering from High blood pressure, peptic or duodenal ulcer, hernia.

07. Makarasana (Crocodile pose) :

Lie down on your face.

Place your hand just below to your chin.

Make little distance between your legs and keep your both heels faced to each other.

Do not move.

Just try to be relax. 

Contraindications :

Strictly prohibited during pregnancy.
Do not perform while suffering from stomach diseases.

08. Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)

Lie down on your back with straight legs.
Slowly flex your knees toward your chest.
Try to touch your nose or chin to your knees.

Contraindications :
Prohibited for pregnant female.
Do not perform while suffering from High blood pressure, asthma, disc herniation, stomach ulcer, severe migraine.

09. Dhanurasana (Bow pose) :

Lie down on your chest.
Gradually uplift your legs from your hips. 
Flex your knees and try to grasp your ankles with your hands.
Look straight.

Contraindications :
Do not perform during pregnancy.
Prohibited in High and low both blood pressures, hernia, stomach ulcer. disc herniation and migraine.

10. Vakrasana (Twisted pose) :

Sit erected with extended legs.

Keep your one leg band from your knee.

Place that banded leg over the erected leg.

Place your palm to your back side or lateral side. (erected leg sided hand)

Place your palm to your big toe. (flexed knee sided hand)

Your spine will be seen as a Twisted thing.

Contraindications :  

Prohibited during pregnancy.

Do not perform while suffering from hernia, stomach ulcer, disc herniation, back injury, hip injury, severe sciatica.

Do not try just after spinal/abdominal operation.

11. Trikonasana (Triangle pose) :

Stand straight on your place with open legs.

Open and keep your hands in shoulder line.

Slowly band on left/right side.

Try to touch your left/right palm to your left toe.

Keep your opposite hand straight, keep your fingers pointed towards sky. 

Look at your opposite hand's fingers/sky.

Keep your both knees straight.

Contraindications :

Do not perform while suffering from disc herniation, low & high blood pressure, hip/knee/ankle injury and vertigo.

Do not try while suffering from diarrhea.

Prohibited for Cardio-vascular disorders' patients.

12. Shavasana (Dead body pose) :

Lie down your back.

Close your eyes.

Keep your heels pointing each other.

Keep your arms and hands almost 6 inches away from your body.

Keep your palms open pointing to the sky.

Take a deep breath and keep yourself relax.

Try to relax your each and every muscle, bone, tissue etc.

Concentrate your mind on your breathing, keep it rhythmic, slow, effortless as possible.

Remain motionless in this position for at least 10 to 15 minutes .

     * Perform this after yoga session.

     *This is for your whole body relaxation. 

There is no  Contraindication of this Yoga Pose.

Hope these poses can be helpful to shoot your Back Pain as well as strengthen up your back muscles.

Thanks for reading.

  * Kindly consult and do these Aasanas under/with guidance of expert as the Aasanas or its modifications may vary from case to case basis.


  1. Wow ..awsome yaar..u r blogger that i dont know..may i join ur page???

  2. Hey, great blog ! Just a question, do we need to have some certification to start writing medical blogs? I write blogs but I came across certificate courses on writing medical blogs. So is it a requirement?

    1. Thanks for the comment. For writing such speciality related blogs, one needs particular qualification about the same.

  3. Very nice and informative beta.
    If possible put pictures of all these aasanas.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, sir. For the same I provide online consultation.


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