Yoga pose and Pranayama for Indigestion

Hope all readers have enjoyed Diwali a lot. Had lots of food, sweets,  desserts  and many more.

So, many from you would have been facing little bit digestion problem after having these kind of food.

That’s why I came back with a Yoga posture and some breathing technique.


1.    Vajrasana  (Diamond pose/Adamantine pose) :

Sit on your legs with folded knees.

Use your legs as a cushion.

Rest your hands on your knees.

Keep your spine straight.

Try to focus on your breath.

Hold this posture for at least 10 minutes or as per your tolerance (choose anyone).

Do this posture even after having meal.


2.    Sooryabhedan Pranayama (Right nostril breathing/Revitalizing breathing) :

Sit in any relaxing posture like Sukhasana, Swastikasana, cross legged pose.

Keep your spine straight.

Keep your self as relaxed as you can.

Try to focus on your breath.

Place your thumb on your left nostril.

Place your index and middle finger tips on the centre of your forehead.

Place your ring and little finger on your right nostril.

Keep your another hand on same sided knee in the Gyan mudra.

Press your thumb and keep close your left nostril.


Breath from your right nostril only.

Now, close your right nostril too.

Hold as per your tolerance.

Now, gradually release your breath from right nostril.

Keep your left nostril close.

Repeat atleast 5 times.

You can do this breathing technique before and after meal.


3.    Bhastrika (Bellow’s breath) :

Sit in any relaxing posture like Sukhasana, Swastikasana, Cross legged pose.

 Place your both hands on your knees in Gyan mudra.

Focus on your breathing with closed eyes.

Take a sudden breath with both nostrils.

Exhale suddenly.

Do these both procedures faster and rhythmically.

Breathe fast and exhale fast like you are blowing the fire.

Feel the warmth in and around your chest and stomach area.

Do this exercise with empty stomach always.


4.    Kapalbhati (Breath of Fire) :

Sit in any relaxing posture like Sukhasana, Swastikasana, Cross legged pose.

Place your both hands on your knees in Gyan mudra.

Focus on your breathing with closed eyes.

Take a deep breath with both nostrils.

Now, exhale… but don’t fully.

Exhale gradually; keep out your breath in small portions.

Try to make atleast 10 to 15 portions of every breath.

Feel the warmth in and around your stomach as well as abdominal area.

Always perform when your stomach is fully empty.


·       Kindly consult and do these Aasanas under/with guidance of expert as the Aasanas or its modifications may vary from case to case basis.


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