
Sun Salutation

Hello Friends !! I am back after a break with a new blog on Sun salutation !! Take out your met and be prepared with your Lime juice !! As you all are knowing   Sun Salutation is one of the part of Yoga and workout plan. It can be done as a main workout plan, warm up or in a cool down session. Sun Salutation is having importance in Modern culture as well as spiritual world. By performing Sun Salutation, we are offering our regards and pray to The Sun. It can be performed with or without Mantras. Sun Salutation is having 12 steps and should be performed step by step.   In this Blog, I will teach you the steps and some benefits of it. If you learn this sequence, it will really help you during this busy lifestyle to practice at your place, since one of the biggest obstacles to doing Yoga on your own is figuring out what to do when you first get on your Yoga met. Sun salutation is the best choice for the same. You can perform it in various speeds too.   Take a loo

Yoga for Knee pain

  Get rid from knee pain with the help of Yoga.     EK PADA UTTAN PADASANA: Lie down on your back. Be relaxed. Place your both legs together & straight. Flex your any knee. Try to raise other leg from your hip. While raising keep your knee straight. Try to each to your flexed knee’s height. Keep the raised leg straight from the knee. Hold for 10 seconds. Slowly relax your raised leg and then flexed knee. Switch the leg and repeat the same process on other leg.   Say Good Bye to your creaky knee pain !!  

Yoga for Weight Loss (Part – 5)

  Hi all !!     I am back with another blog for Weight Loss. Get ready with your met to loose your extra fat.   1.      BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE) :   Lie down on your met with your chest. Place your palms near to your chest with flexed elbows. Slowly uplift your upper body. Make your elbows straight and uplift your upper trunk to the navel region only. Slowly extend your cervical region.   2.      ADHOMUKH   SAVASANA (DOWNWARD DOG POSE) :   Give a bit pressure to your palms. Get up from your met from the prone pose. Try to make a triangle shaped body. Try to make maximum distance between your toes (Feet) and fingers (Palms). Try to see your toes and stretch your neck inner side. Keep your heels on the floor. Hold as per your tolerance.   Perform this in sequence. Start with Cobra pose and end with Downward dog pose. Gradually increase the speed. Perform this until you become sweaty. You can read my previous blogs of the same series via

Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-4)

  Hello there! I am back with new blog Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-4). This is also in sitting posture. So roll out your met and let’s start.   1.      VASISTHASANA (SIDE PLANK POSE) :     * Sit down on your met.  * Lie down on your flexed elbows and face towards floor.  * Keep your legs straight.  * Now, take your right elbow off the floor gradually and the body should be in the plank pose.  * The left hand should be on the floor.  * Keep your body weight on your both legs and one elbow.  * Hold as per your tolerance.  * Repeat this on the other side.   2.      CHATUS PADA PITHAM ( FOUR FOOTED TABLETOP POSE) : * Sit on your met. * Keep your legs straight and hands in the line of shoulder just behind your hips. * Gradually keep your knees bend and lift up your body with the help of your knees, hands and soles. * Make a pose like table where your head and trunk part will become the top and all four limbs will become stands of the table. * Hold as per y

Yoga Poses to Strengthen Liver

Happy New Year, readers !! I am back with some yoga poses to fight from liver disorders…..   1.        Mandukasana (Frog pose) : Sit on your met with flexed legs. Use your legs as your cushion. Keep your upper body straight. Make fist of your both hands. Place both fists on your stomach area just below your ribs. Slowly go down…… Try to touch your nose to the floor. You will feel little pressure to your fist placed area. Hold as per your tolerance.     2.        Vakrasana (Twisted pose) : Sit in long pose with extended knees and hips. Flex right knee and hip. Twist your spine to the same (right) side. Place your same sided palm little bit behind to your body. Place your opposite palm over your right knee and put it on your right foot sole. Keep your face twisted and look straight.   3.        Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twisted pose) : Sit in long pose with extended knees and hips. Flex right hip and knee. Twist your spine to th

Yoga for Weight Loss (Part-3 )

  Hey, I am back with Weight loss (Part-3)… Here I am going to explain some Sitting pose. So, Let’s fix your previous shape back !!   1.    1.   Pashchimottanasana (West stretching) : Sit down on your met with extended legs. Keep your upper body straight. Stretch your hands upside while inhaling. Gradually bend your upper body towards your extended legs while exhaling. Try to touch your toes or sole with your palms. Try to touch and stuck your nose to your knees. Try to keep your knees straight. Hold as per your tolerance.       2.      2.  Vakrasana (Twisted pose) : Sit on your met with your extended legs. Bend your left knee and place over your right knee. Place your left palm on your left foot sole. Place your right palm near your right hip. Keep your head and face straight. Repeat the same on opposite side (Right).     3.      3.  Supt Padmasana (Sleeping lotus pose) : Sit down on your met with extended legs. Place your left foot

Yoga poses to Reduce Belly Fat

  I am back with Pre-Christmas gift. Get rid from your Belly Fold and get in shape with flat belly.   1.      Paschimottanasana (West stretching) : Stand erected with both legs together and straight knees. Take a deep breath and stretch your hands and upper body upward. Bend from your lumbar with exhalation. Try to touch your toes or floor with your both palms. Try to set your nose or face to your knees. Keep your both knees straight. Hold it as per your tolerance. While performing this you will find stretching in your back, hamstrings, calves.   (A)           Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide stance forward band) :   Stand erected with both legs in wide angle and straight knees. Take a deep breath and stretch your hands and upper body upward. Bend from your lumbar with exhalation. Try to touch floor with your both palms. Keep your both knees straight. Hold as  per your tolerance.   *This is a variation of Pashchimottanasan (Forward banding).